Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Mayor

This is Sam's new nickname. He has his Uncle Rich's personality in so many ways. I call him the mayor because at school all of the kids in his new class call out "Sam"! when he comes into the room in the morning. They also yell goodbye to him when he leaves. He in turn returns the greetings with hugs and waves. When we walk down the hallway to his room he stops at all the open doors and greets everybody in the room. He even went and said hi to his old classmates when he saw them on the playground. He is the Mayor of the Discovery Center.

We did have a breakthrough in Sam recognizing himself in pictures as Sam. Previously, whenever he saw a picture of himself, he called out "Peter". Just last week I heard him say Sam when he saw a picture of himself at his birthday party. Pretty cool.

The renovations are going well as planned. The 16' long beam is in place thanks to the help of Tim, Joe, Grey, and Peter. It went in pretty easy and having the material lift here really helped. This past weekend we removed all the studs from the old wall and cleaned the place up. Cheri has designed the layout for the bookcases and we are going to start that this weekend...after a much deserved date night on Friday.

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