Sunday, March 2, 2008

The circus and other things fun

Just let me get these cobwebs out of the way before I start this entry.....The circus came into town last weekend and we decided to give it a go. First things first, PETA would like you to know that 26 elephants have died in the 100 plus years of the circus and they are not afraid to hand your kid a flyer. I wanted to ask them if any clowns were injured, but Cheri would not let me. We went with Sam's friend Kelsey on opening night and they had a great time. The circus is a great place to spend some hard earned cash and we did just that. Sam really loved the clowns and the horses and the dogs and the elephants. It was fun to see him laugh and interact with the other kids.

Speech therapy is going well. Every Wednesday he gets on a bus at school and takes a short 5 minute ride to a public school to meet Ms. Laura for 30 minutes. His school is great about making sure he is out front and waiting for it. His english is improving and we can usually figure out what he wants quickly.

The renovations are going as planned. We figure we need one more big push to get the job done. It will all be worth it in the end. Just not sure what we will do next....

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